The Instyler is Pretty Cool. Review and Thoughts:

In African American Hair Care, Hair Care, Hair Products, InStyler on March 26, 2010 at 1:32 pm

Hi hair nerds. Again, thank you for your patience and understanding.

Well I’ve got tons of info. While I was gone, I did get my hands on the InStyler (thanks Stephanie!). I’ve got a few reviews and thoughts on it.

Now, anyone with 4B hair knows that you’re still gonna have to do a bit more work with out hair if you want to get it straight. The good news however, is that the instyler does work on 4b hair really, really well. I was surprised. While I knew that totally straightening my hair with this tool might not been possible, it still did really good job on my hair.

More pros for the instyler? It really does leave your hair looking shinier and feeling much softer. And your ends will definitely be nice and straight. It probably has something to so with that rotating iron and brush that’s attached to it, I’m sure. And I do like the brush feature attached… it basically ensures that your hair will NOT get tangled at any point during straightening. It also isn’t as time-consuming as I thought it might be… it takes about 30 to 45 minutes to do your entire head decently.

The Cons? Yeah. If you have 4A or 4B type of hair… you’re STILL gonna have to hit the roots with a pressing comb. while the InStyler does wonders for the shaft and ENDS of your hair… it’s a little tough to get close to your roots without burning yourself, and even if you do, you still can’t hit those roots the way you need to in order to keep your hair straight throughout the day. I WAS able to get to the roots without burning my scalp (with practice), but even so… I went to a grammy afterparty and QUICKLY sweated out the roots, while the rest of my hair stayed straight. But I went into this knowing that I’d still have to break out the pressing comb ahead of time. I know my hair. lol.

On the side of that… sometimes, the InStyler can be a bit hard to master on the mechanical side. What do I mean you ask? Well, the problem with the InStyler is that it only rotates going in ONE direction (or I havent figured out how to get it spinning the other way). This can make it hard to curl your hair in the direction that you want to, ESPECIALLY if you’re a lefty. You also have to make sure that the iron is constantly rotating downwards if you want to straighten your hair to the best of your ability without damaging it. Hopefully with future models, they’ll figure out how to make the rotating iron rotate in whatever direction you need in order to curl/straighten your hair.

Other than that… if you’re just looking for a basic straightening tool that’s cost-effective… or if you’re looking for something that’s one step above your normal flat-iron… this is a great choice for you. Especially if you have hair that’s 3B and below. This InStyler will be a breeze for you. 4A and up women… definitely helpful, and worth the money. But don’t be mad when we gotta break out the Pressing Comb to hit those edges…. You know what it is. But still. A great tool regardless.

Yes, I want to post up a picture. Maybe later. I’m not too keen on that yet. lol.

Also, again, I want to thank you for your patience. A few family members took ill… my uncle just passed of renal failure, and then my mother took ill with gallbladder issues. I’ve been running around taking care of business and other blogs… but I’ve been meaning to get at you guys for a while. Thanks again for caring.

Have fun!

  1. 1. you and your family are in my prayers.
    2. just post pics of your hair, don’t include ur face!!!
    3. I just perfected straightening my hair with the maxiglide. but i will check this out.

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